When using our silicone flanges, lubrication should be either always used or never used, depending on which of the two reasons you need them:
To control elasticity (stretching too far that closes off milk ducts)
When used to control elasticity, lubrication must be eliminated completely so the tacky silicone can hold the nipples in place to keep the milk ducts open. It can take 3-5 days for lubrication to work its way out of the deeper layers of your skin. Once there's no lubrication left, only the very end of the nipple will move during pumping so there's no friction and you're totally comfortable. If you see more than the end of the nipple moving, we'll need to look for sneaky ways you're still getting lubrication that's allowing friction.
Here's a list of known lubrication sources to check
As a smaller size flange
If you don't need to control for elasticity, you can eliminate friction by using just a little edible oil like coconut or olive oils (too much and the flange gets too slippery). Dish soaps like Dapple and Babyganics or any with an anti-spotting ingredient will leave a lubricating film on silicone that can also help but may make the flange fall out of the bottle adapter too easily.
Reviewed by Diana West, IBCLC
August 31, 2021